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Kids Ask Authors podcast

Sep 28, 2020

Authors Jennifer Ziegler and Grace Lin discuss their respective perfect book hero or heroine, and kid reviewer Tilly reviews Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland.

*To purchase Grace's 2021 Where the Mountain Meets the Moon trilogy calendar:
*To become a patron of Kids Ask Authors:

Sep 21, 2020

Authors Ellen Oh and Grace Lin answer the age old question How do you create such a long book?  and a kid reviews Lunch Lady.

Sep 14, 2020

Authors Jacqueline Woodson  and Grace Line answer the question
What advice would you give us about writing books? and Alison Morris reviews Love Sugar Magic by Anna Meriano.
*To purchase Grace's 2021 Where the Mountain Meets the Moon trilogy calendar:
*To become a patron of Kids Ask Authors:...

Sep 7, 2020

Authors Kate Messner and Grace Lin answer the question Who helps with your writing? and a kid reviews the Bookwanderers.
*To purchase Grace's 2021 Where the Mountain Meets the Moon trilogy calendar:
*To become a patron of Kids Ask Authors: